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When You Have to Wait for News You’re Not Sure You Want to Hear…
If you’re a regular reader of our blog you will know that in the last couple of weeks I’ve been going out of my mind experiencing strange things and really just wanting some answers as to what’s going on.
The good thing is, most of the weird symptoms I was experiencing have gone away, but the bad thing is, we now have more questions than answers.
Rewind back a bit to earlier last week. With all the weird symptoms I was experiencing I started getting worried, and, like most people these days, turned to Google.
After seeing some worrying explanations for my symptoms I decided it was best just to call my OB and see if I should perhaps get a blood test before going in to see him (if there was something wrong I really wanted to make sure we had all the information we needed ready before I saw him).
He quickly reassured me that everything was most likely OK, but with the uncomfortable feeling in the stomach, I shouldn’t worry unless there was any associated bleeding. I felt comfortable enough with that and was happy to wait a few more days until I saw him for my follow-up appointment.
Until about 5 hours after that… when I started to experience bleeding, and then worried all over again that something was probably wrong. I felt too silly to call again so just decided I could wait a few more days until the appointment. I doubted that it would make any difference to the outcome either way.
Finally, the day of the appointment came, and I was so relieved to be able to get some answers for all of this weirdness.
Except there weren’t any.
My OB was very thorough in listening to what I had been experiencing, agreed that it was very strange, and encouraged me to contact him if I experienced any new symptoms.
Although there weren’t any answers, I felt comforted by the fact that he didn’t seem to be worried.
He then went on to explain to us that he had arranged for testing of our fetus.
We were quite surprised by this, as we wouldn’t expect testing to be conducted on a first miscarriage, but we were grateful to know why we had experienced this all the same.
We were told that our fetus was missing chromosome 1 (a quick google revealed that this one is responsible for DNA development, so there was no way the baby could have developed any further). There was a long technical explanation for what this means for us, but what I could summarise was that, unfortunately, one of us could be the carrier of a dodgy (defective) gene (although this is fairly unlikely).
So, the solution, for now, is for both of us to have blood tests to find out more.
We were both eager to (hopefully) rule out this possibility, so we had our blood tests the next day, and now we’re waiting, not-so-patiently for the results.
The thing is, at this stage, I almost don’t want to know.
Except that I do… I just want to know that there’s nothing wrong, and I definitely don’t want to deal with the possibility that something isn’t right.
Both of us are pretty much just trying not to think about it.
When I do think about it, I can’t help but think of a negative result, and then I feel guilty for thinking that, in case thinking negatively will somehow change the outcome.
One way or another, we will have to wait about 3 weeks to find out…
Until then, we would really like to know. Is it usual protocol to have a fetus tested on the first miscarriage? We’re not sure if this is normal or if we just have an extremely thorough Doctor!
Do you know anything about chromosome 1 and the chances of this being an issue?
From what I have read it sounds as though most chromosomal abnormalities are unique so there doesn’t seem to be a lot of guidance around what to expect.
Alternatively, are you just as impatient as us when it comes to waiting on test results?
As always, look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments below!
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