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Touring the Third Trimester
I mentioned back in the second trimester that I was hoping for an uneventful third trimester, and luckily… so far so good!
The pregnancy seems to be progressing well, I’m pretty sure my stomach looks bigger each day than it did the day before and I am having fun experiencing all the symptoms that go along with the later stages of pregnancy (fatigue, insomnia, indigestion, frequent urination and breathlessness when I walk and try to talk at the same time, or even just try to talk too much in general).
I feel like I’ve gotten to the point now where I get questioned multiple times a day about the pregnancy… you know acquaintances or even complete strangers who, for some reason, just love to quiz pregnant ladies on their life story.
There’s the typical “Is this your first?” question (which I’d really rather dodge if I could help it) and then “Do you know the gender?” followed by “When are you due?” usually rounded out with some sort of comment about size / shape of the stomach, sometimes even coupled with a quick belly squeeze (I actually don’t mind the belly touching, weird hey?) and (if you’re really lucky) it’s topped off with some random advice you didn’t ask for (LOL!).
I don’t really have any great pointers or ways to deal with these questions when you’re on pregnancy number 5 after 4 losses but I do just try to stick to reminding myself that people are just being friendly, they don’t know they are loaded questions and you need to be happy that you have a seemingly healthy baby that people actually want to talk to you about.
Every now and then, if it feels like the right moment, I do just mention its pregnancy number 5 and most people are actually pretty good about it – nearly everyone has their own story or similar experience to share or knows someone who has been through something similar.
As far as the pregnancy is going though, I think it’s pretty OK. My next appointment with the OB is tomorrow afternoon so I guess he will let us know what we’re in for next. I do know that we have to go for an extra scan some time soon to check on where the placenta is at (it was lying low at my last two scans) which can cause problems with blood clotting, but I don’t really know a lot about it as my OB said it would probably correct itself and I was of the opinion that I didn’t want to know more unless it proved to be an actual problem down the track.
I have even had the self-control not to google it so as to not worry myself. Ignorance is bliss!
Of course, if it does turn out to be a problem I will want to know every little minute detail I can about it… but for now I’m putting it at the back of my mind to worry about another day.
A lot of people have been asking if I’ve got the baby’s room set up and what have I bought so far… honestly, I’ve bought a few clothes (and been very lucky to have been gifted a lot of clothes as well!) and that’s it.
Don’t freak out, I have picked out a couple of items, so the little dude will have somewhere to sleep and what not, I just haven’t purchased them yet as I still really don’t know where we will be when the baby arrives, so I don’t want to go setting something up if it just needs to be moved again.
I have packed my hospital bag though, so… I’ll be good to go when the time comes.
That’s pretty much all the updates I have for now so until next time… (feel free to share thoughts / advice / ideas below!)
P.S. A lot of people have been asking about in-home consults. Yes, I am still doing them, and I have a couple of spaces free up until 16th July following which I will be unable to take any more new bookings. If you are keen for an appointment after that date I do have a wait list and you are welcome to add your name to the list so that you are the first to be contacted when I return. Check out the in-home consulting page for more info
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