
Printable Calm Colour Kit – Half Price

Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $2.50.

Help your little ones learn calming techniques with the Calm Colouring Kit!

Instant download featuring 10 calming techniques which you can print over and over again.

The Printable Calm Colour Kit introduces your child to the skills they need to recover from their most challenging emotions.

Help your child explore 10 different calming techniques to find the one that suits them best as their develop their own skills for self-regulation.

The Printable Calm Colour Kit is designed to help you teach your child life-long calming skills that, once learnt, can be drawn on when needed (without the continued prompt of the colouring sheets).



Research has found that when our kids learn self regulation skills in early childhood they are more likely to have improved behaviour, better social skills, a higher level of engagement in school, better academic outcomes and improved mental health and wellness throughout their life.


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