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Is There Any Point Indulging
Your Child in Music or
Singing Lessons?
Well… that really depends on a lot of factors.
A Swedish study found that there are a few things that can predict the likelihood of your child continuing to pursue music from childhood into adulthood.
Those factors included;
Interestingly, children were also more likely to carry their musical interests into adulthood if they played a string instrument (such as a guitar) or if they sang.
The study also found that the later in age a child starts to learn an instrument, the less likely they are to continue that musical or singing practice into adulthood.
So, to answer the question – is there any point in indulging your child in singing or music lesson?
Well, I guess that’s up to you.
Regardless of whether you think your child will grow up to be a world-class musician, pop star or street busker, it’s also important to consider whether they want to learn an instrument and generally enjoy music practice.
On another note, there is also a connection between musical practice and the development of cognitive and emotional abilities, so chances are your child is likely to benefit from engaging in music lessons one way or another.
At the very least, it is likely they will enjoy learning an instrument and may have the opportunity to explore a new social outlet and connections they had not experienced previously.
If you’re keen to expose your child to music early on and would like to increase their awareness of music and playing instruments, head over to the strategy section of our website for some ideas.
Theorell, T. Lennartsson, A.K., Madison, G.,Mosing, M.A. & Ullen, F. (2015). Predictors of continued playing or singing – from childhood and adolescence to adult years.Acta Pædiatrica. 104. pp. 274–284
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One Reply to “Is There Any Point Indulging Your Child in Music or Singing Lessons?”
I think it’s important to talk with your child throughout the process. Sometimes they get overwhelmed and need to give up a few things. My husband does wish he would have stayed in piano lessons though, so there is something to be said about sticking with something.