How to Handle Tantrums and Meltdowns


This course is designed for Mum’s (and Dad’s) who are currently dealing with tantrums AND it is perfect for new parents who want to stay ahead of the game when it comes to preventing tantrums before they start (so if you are about to or currently have a new baby now is the perfect time to learn how to prevent and manage tantrums).

Course topics covered include:

Week 1: Emotions (building your child/rens understanding)

Week 2: Validating and Responding to Tantrums and Meltdowns

Week 3: Preventing Tantrums and Meltdowns


You will receive:

    • 1 x easy-to-implement technique for you to focus on each week
    • 1 x email per week to check in and see how you are doing
    • PLUS a sample pack in the mail to help you introduce your child to calming techniques, which includes a Calming Card, 4 x Calm Stickers and a download-and-print-at-home colouring-in sheet designed to help you teach your child deep breathing.


Do you start feeling anxious when you sense a tantrum coming on? Do you wish you felt more confident in how to respond when your child has a tantrum?

Would you like some tips and tricks to help you build your child's resilience and help them learn the skills they need to self regulate?

Join the How to Handle Tantrums and Meltdowns course to get the skills and knowledge you need to respond with confidence when your child has a meltdown, and receive resources in the mail to help you teach your child the skills they need to calm down when they feel angry, sad, frustrated, anxious & overwhelmed.


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