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Fun For Kids

How to Handle

Tantrums and Meltdowns

Mini Email Course


Tantrums & Meltdowns Mini Email Course

Do you start feeling anxious when you sense a tantrum coming on? Do you wish you felt more confident in how to respond when your child has a tantrum?

Would you like some tips and tricks to help you reduce the number of tantrums your child/ren have?

Join the Tantrums & Meltdowns Mini Email Course!

You may be thinking “A course sounds like a lot of work…” so I want to reassure you that the tips, info, tricks and insights that I will share with you will not require a lot of extra time investment on your part.

I will share with you, one email per week, that will guide you through easy-to-implement techniques which you can incorporate into your every day schedule. You won’t need to set up any complex activities, or organise any special resources that take up extra time (because, that let’s face it, you just don’t have extra time up your sleeve).

You will need to try just 1 new technique each week in order to see a reduction in the number and intensity of tantrums.

This mini course will help you build your child’s emotional literacy, develop their resilience and build your confidence in responding to tantrums and meltdowns.

How do I know if this course is for me?

This course is designed for Mum’s (and Dad’s) who are currently dealing with tantrums AND it is perfect for new parents who want to stay ahead of the game when it comes to preventing tantrums before they start (so if you are about to or currently have a new baby now is the perfect time to learn how to prevent and manage tantrums).

Who will deliver the course?

Dominique Groenveld will deliver your course (that’s me!). I will share with you simple and effective techniques to make sure you accomplish the results you are looking for.

The service I provide is not like all the Mum’s you see out there who tell you what will work based on their experience with their own children. This service is based on my work with many children in many different environments and family dynamics.

I have a wealth of knowledge about learning and behaviour management (I studied at University and achieved a Bachelor degree in Psychology, a Post Graduate Degree in Psychology and a Graduate Diploma in Education – Majoring in School Psychology and Minoring in Health Teaching – and I was even lucky enough to have my thesis published in an International Journal!) but all fancy paperwork aside, I am experienced in working with children and families and my goal is to make sure you achieve the best possible outcomes for you and your family.



Registrations for 2024 are now OPEN!

What’s included?

Course topics covered include:

Week 1: Emotions (building your child/rens understanding)

Week 2: Validating and Responding to Tantrums and Meltdowns

Week 3: Preventing Tantrums and Meltdowns


You will receive:

    • 1 x easy-to-implement technique for you to focus on each week
    • 1 x email per week to check in and see how you are doing
    • PLUS a sample pack in the mail to help you introduce your child to calming techniques, which includes a Calming Card, 4 x Calm Stickers and a download-and-print-at-home colouring-in sheet designed to help you teach your child deep breathing.


The How to Handle Tantrums and Meltdowns Course is available for just $5!

 How Do I Join?

Complete the check out process below and you will automatically receive the first email directly to your inbox and your goodies in the mail!

 I have more questions…

I’m always happy to help! Just send me an email: dominique@ohbeehave.com.au and I will endeavour to respond to you within 48 hours or give me a call on 0429 965 231 and I will be happy to answer your questions (please bear in mind that if it isn’t a pre-scheduled call outside Western Australian school hours I am likely to have my child with me and will very likely be dealing with 5-year-old-Mum stuff when I take your call ;))

Join the How to Handle Tantrums and Meltdowns Course

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2 Replies to “How to Handle Tantrums and Meltdowns Mini Course”

  1. Absolutely loved this course! It was quick to read, written so well, to the point and perfect for time poor mums. I love the focus on one thing each week, allowing time to practice and implement it. Dom has been so helpful with all my questions and supporting me through the terrible twos. I would highly recommend this course.

    1. Thanks so much Dannii! I’m so happy to hear the course was helpful for you. I’m always here when you need xx

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