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Fun For Kids

How to Get Your Children

Interested in Doing Chores

How to Get Your Children Interested in Doing Chores

No-one likes doing chores.

But unfortunately, they are a fact of life!

The easiest way to make sure chores get done around the house, is to turn them into habits (things we just do regularly as part of our everyday life, without thinking too hard about doing them!)

There are a couple of simple ways to introduce chores as part of the daily routine for children, such as:

Start from a Young Age
The earlier you start getting children to do chores around the house, the more likely they are to develop the habit of completing chores (and the less likely they are to complain about it!). Click here to find out how to get started.

Intrinsic Motivation
Wouldn’t it be awesome if kids actually did chores just because they wanted to? I know that might sound a little crazy, but it is possible to teach your child the value of doing chores, where they learn the self-satisfaction of doing chores as they feel they have contributed to and helped out the rest of the family. Click here to find out how.

Assign Chores
For some families, it can be handy to have a chart or some sort of visual reminder as to who needs to do which chores and when. This helps make sure the chores are evenly spread amongst family members and it can help reduce arguments over who needs to do what! Click here to learn more.

Did these strategies work for you? Let us know in the comments below how you get your kids to do their chores.

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4 Replies to “How to Get Your Children Interested in Doing Chores”

  1. I don’t have kids yet, but it’s something I often wonder about. I watch my cousins work with their kids and develop charts around chores. What are your thoughts on this? I know you feel like intrinsic motivation is possible; wondering what you thought about parents tying a monetary value to certain chores?

    1. Hi Divya – I really do think intrinsic motivation is possible, much the same as how we would use verbal praise and positive feedback in the classroom to encourage the behaviours we’re looking for (makes them feel good about themselves and valued, so they are more likely to repeat the behaviours).

      I’m not really a fan of giving money for chores, as it takes away the internal motivation for doing them and once you start giving money for the chore you can’t really stop, because then there’s no value at all attached to the chore (plus no-one is going to pay them to do their chores when they leave home so it’s not really a logical move!). I think pocket money and learning money management is important though, so my preference would be to give money for additional or “extra” work that wouldn’t ordinarily be expected as part of their usual routine.

  2. This is great advice! Definitely some pointers I’ll be keeping in mind once I have kids (not yet though!)
    I definitely agree with starting at a young age though, the earlier they can learn the value of what they’re doing and that they should help out, the better.

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