Do you think “WTF” when you see “TTC” “FTM” “STM” “MOMs” “PAIF” “PGAL” and not to mention “DD” “DS” “DH” “EBF” “FF” & “BLW”
When you enter the pregnancy and parenting world you step into what feels like some sort of secret club that holds what feels like about a million unknowns…
… and to help reduce some of those overwhelming feelings, you seek out some support groups to help you through…
only to find out you have stepped into ANOTHER world filled with another million things you don’t understand… usually in the form of
ARGH! (that’s not an acronym, just my general frustration at the things I don’t understand!)
Some support groups are awesome and will supply you with a cheat sheet to help you get up to speed with what everyone is talking about, but others… not so much. And if you’ve googled a question and found yourself in a forum… good luck working out what the people in there are on about!
So after receiving a suggestion to create a post to clear up some of the definitions used in pregnancy and parenting forums, I thought it was a brilliant idea and decided to get cracking on it straight away!
The acronyms out there seem endless (and not just the acronym’s, there are special labels and names that seem to frequent the topics of these groups too), so I have compiled a few to get us started, but I’ll be popping by regularly to update the list.
So if there’s an acronym you would like to see added here (or you have come across one that has completely baffled you) get in touch and let me know, I’ll be happy to (do my best) to find out what it means and add it to the list!
Likewise, if there is more than one explanation or definition of the terms you see on this list feel free to get in touch and let me know! Together, we can learn from each other and muddle through this crazy maze of labels and acronyms that is pregnancy and parenting 🙂
The List
AF – “Aunt Flo” (otherwise known as “that time of the month” or alternatively we can just call it what it is: “menstruation” or a “period”)
AP – Attachment Parenting (being empathetic and responsive to the child’s needs)
Angel Baby – A baby that has passed away (usually from miscarriage or stillbirth)
BFN – Big Fat Negative (referring to a home pregnancy test)
BFP – Big Fat Positive (also referring to a home pregnancy test)
BLW – Baby-Led Weaning
DD – “Due Date” or “Dear Daughter” (confused much!?)
DH – Dear Husband
DS – “Dear Son” or “Darling Son”
EBF – “Exclusive Breast Feeding” or “Extended Breast Feeding”
ERF – Extended Rear Facing (Car Seat)
FF – “Formula Feeding” or “Fertility Friend” (it could be kinda funny if you got the context wrong…)
FTM – First Time Mum
HPT – Home Pregnancy Test
Helicopter Parent – A parent who has a tendency to be a little bit over-protective and controlling, sometimes described as “hovering” over their kids every move.
LC – Lactation Consultant
MC – Miscarriage
MIL – Mother-in-Law
MOMs – Mums Offering Mum’s Support
OB – Obstetrician
PAIF – Pregnancy After Infertility
PGAL – Pregnant After A Loss
Pump and Dump – Pumping breast milk and then throwing it out (and you were thinking something uber dirty, weren’t you!?)
Rainbow Baby – A baby born after a previous loss
SAHM – Stay At Home Mum
SIL – Sister-in-Law
STM – Second Time Mum
Tiger Parent – A parent who strictly pushes their child to achieve academically (or in other areas)
TTC – Trying to Conceive
TW – Trigger Warning (when someone posts about a sensitive topic) or Traditional Weaning (e.g. purees)
Which acronyms stumped you the most when you first heard them??
Do you have an acronym or label you would like to see added to the list? Let me know in the comments below or feel free to get in touch with me and I will happily add your suggestion! 🙂
2 Replies to “Do you think WTF when you see TTC, FTM, STM & PAIF not to mention DD, EBF, FF & BLW?”
TW -also Trigger Warning
Thanks Nat, have added x