How to Stop a Meltdown
I recently shared an article on how to help your child identify the physiological changes their body experiences before a meltdown hits (if you missed it, make sure you check it out here).
I promised to share a follow-up technique on what you can then do once your child has started getting into the habit of noticing the signs, or triggers for their meltdown (they might not just be physical, there can be other triggers and I will share an article about this soon – check back for the link!).
This first technique is a really simple one, and in our family we call it the “code word”.
The “code word” is any word that you and your child agree can be used to tell each other that you (or they) are feeling overwhemled by their emotions and that you need some time to calm down.
The code word works both ways, so let’s say for example the code word you choose is “strawberries”. If your child is feeling overwhelmed, they can say “strawberries” to you, and you will know they need some help using their calming techniques (they may wish to do this alone or with your guidance)
if you notice your child is starting to show signs of feeling overwhelmed by their emotions, you might say “I think this might be a strawberry moment” and ask if they need your assistance in using their calming techniques.
(On the other side, your child can also say to you if they think you are feeling overwhelmed and need to use your calming techniques as well)
The idea here is not to stop the emotions altogether. The idea is to help your child identify that they are feeling overwhelmed, so they can take the time they need to use their calming techniques to work through those emotions.
It can be really helpful to model this for your child. For example, you could say “I’m starting to feel really [sad / mad / angry / frustrated / confused], and I think this is a strawberry moment. Could you please help me use my calming techniques?”
You can have a bit of fun with the code word! Let your child choose the word and see what they come up with (we just agree in our family that it can’t be a swear word – haha!)
If you have a chance to try out the “code word” for overwhelming emotions this week, I’d love to hear how you go (comment at the bottom of this page or pop an email through to me!
Before you go, make sure you scroll down to check out my FREEBIE to help you introduce CALMING TECHNIQUES to your little ones!