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Non-Pregnant Girls Just Wanna Have…

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Non-Pregnant Girls Just Wanna Have…

Food and wine of course!

(what did you think I was going to say??)

I know I tend to mainly talk about pregnancy and all related topics on this blog, and while I do feel like I spend half of my life pregnant these days, that’s not the only thing I’m all about.

When my pregnancy status is set to “not bearing womb fruit” we tend to spend a fair portion of our time travelling, eating and drinking.

So, I thought it might be worth sharing some of the fun stuff we get up to in those “non-pregnant” months (where I do seriously make the most of my non-pregnant status).

Over the past couple of months, we have been up to Broome (up North of Western Australia) and down to Margaret River (down south of Western Australia, in the wine region).

We have also gotten up to some fun stuff around our beautiful home town of Perth too, so to start with I’d really like to share our recent adventures which have included sampling Duck & Pinot at our favourite restaurant (BWG Steakhouse) and all the fun we had at the The Good Food and Wine Show last weekend.

So to kick us off, the Duck & Pinot story…

I may have already mentioned that BWG Steakhouse is our favourite restaurant. Sam and I are complete suckers for that place. At least once a fortnight we both turn to each other and go

“what would you like for dinner”


“me too”

“should we try somewhere new or…”

“let’s go to BWG”

And then within 2 seconds I’m on the phone getting a reservation.

I’m not sure whether to be impressed or embarrassed that when I call and say “Hey, it’s Dominique” they seem to know who I am and what table I want to sit at…

This place seriously has some of the best service I have come across in Perth (if you’re from Perth you probably know our city it notorious for terrible service!) and the food is always spot on.

Their amazing steaks are the main reason we go there (plus, from time to time I like to order this sneaky “Spiced Mojito” …it’s not on the menu, but if you ask for it they’ll definitely make it for you 😉) but I digress, what I really wanted to let you know about was their Duck & Pinot night.

On our most recent visit for a steak, the Manager mentioned to us that they were holding a “Duck & Pinot” night and asked us if it would be the kind of thing we would be interested in. We were told that the general premise was 6 courses of duck all matched with delicious wines throughout the evening.

We thought it sounded like pretty good value, but as we had been on a couple of degustation’s already within the last month or so (at Wildflower in the city and Knee Deep in Margaret River… but those are stories for a different time) we weren’t sure if we really needed another night of eating and drinking.

But seriously, who were we kidding?? (It’s not about needing it’s about wanting when it comes to food and drink, right!?)

Somewhere along the way, Sam mentioned the Duck & Pinot night to our family and the next minute all 5 of us were planning to head down to BWG for the evening!

There was quite a lead-up to the night. My sister-in-law and I started it off by having this silly text-war over what we were wearing.

It started with her sending me a text (about 3 days prior to the evening… I can be useless answering messages sometimes) telling me that she had a new dress for the evening.

Prior to the evening (during the day on Thursday, the night we were going out) I text her back saying “me too!”, to which she (as only a loving sister can) proceeded to question whether I had in fact purchased my dress before she had, to which I assured her that I HAD in fact purchased my dress on Sunday, and of course, had decided WAY prior to that day, that I was wearing it that evening.

We declared #dresscompover and I suspected we were never going to speak of it again.

So anyway, I was in the Uber with Sam when my evening kicked off with this text:

Obviously, one can not just leave their bubbles to be lonely in such a manner, so I hurried along into the restaurant, only to find my sister-in-law beaming at me and then bursting out laughing as it dawned on both of us at the same time that we were wearing




To be wearing pretty much the same thing is funny, but when you’ve had a text-war about it only a few hours earlier it’s pretty freaking hilarious! An event like this obviously calls for a bathroom selfie…

Duck and Pinot Night

 Thank goodness we had both chosen different colours!

Anyway, for those of you who care more about food than our silly dress war, don’t worry I am actually going to talk about the food, which was amazing by the way…

Duck and Pinot Menu

Starting with Crepe’s and fried qual egg, I was surprised just how tasty this dish was. This is the first time I can remember eating qual egg and even though it was fried (I pretty much only eat my eggs poached or scrambled… fried yolk always tastes weird to me for some reason) I thought it was delicious!

Second course was the Duck liver parfait. I am a massive lover of Duck Liver Pate and this course didn’t disappoint.

The third course was actually my favourite over all. Pan friend gnocci with wild mushrooms, duck ragu and Manjimup truffle. The gnocci was amazing and even though I don’t like mushrooms, I barely even noticed them as the combination of all the flavours together was just perfect. If I could order this dish again I definitely would!

By the fourth course (which I think was technically 2 courses) I was getting pretty full. Both the duck leg and the duck breast were delicious (I didn’t even mind the brussel sprouts) and this dish was Sam’s favourite of the night. I was so full already that I just tasted a little and then handed the rest over to my father-in-law who seemed pretty happy to finish it off for me!

Lastly, we finished the evening with camembert soufflé… (in case you were wondering what the rest of that word was in the picture… I know, taking photos is not my strong suit)! I’ll admit it wasn’t my favourite dessert, but as you know I was really full by that stage, so I think I may have a different opinion of it under other circumstances.

All in all, an awesome night with great food, delicious wine and some of our favourite company 😉

Just quietly, I know I said I was going to share our Good Food and Wine Show experience, but… I fear I may have rambled on a little too much already, so I’ll save that for another day 😉

Until next time, I would love to know, where is your favourite place to eat? Have you had an awesome wine paired meal lately that you would recommend? Are you like me and like to make the most of your “non-pregnant” status while you can?

Let us know in the comments below!


Before you go, have you or someone you know experienced miscarriage, stillbirth or infertility?

Throughout the month of October, we will be sharing stories to raise awareness and reduce the stigma associated with these “taboo” topics.

Check out this post for more info on how you can share your story.

Looking for child behaviour strategies? Click here to access to all our strategies from infancy through to the teenage years. Make sure you register here first!

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12 Replies to “Non-Pregnant Girls Just Wanna Have…”

  1. You are stunning! I would have never guessed that you were wearing the same dress at all. Just different colours. That is hilarious! And yes! You sure do have to have fun!
    That menu though…makes me hungry.

    1. Thanks so much Kimberly! I still laugh just thinking about it. Seriously, if you ate all that food I can promise you definitely wouldn’t be hungry anymore.

  2. Oh man, all this food sounds so delightful! And seriously you and your sister-in-law make me laugh so hard! Too funny and I love you took a bathroom selfie to document it!

  3. Mmm, that gnocchi sounds lovely! 🙂 And how funny you guys showed up in the same dress!! Great minds think alike. My favorite place to eat is a Thai restaurant that is 5 mins from my house. I eat there all the time, and I always get the same thing!

  4. That’s too funny your sister and you had the same dress on – yes, it’s good you had different colors!

    Sounds like a really fun evening. I do like foodie events.


  5. This was such a fun post to read! OMG, that’s totally hilarious that your SIL showed up to dinner in the exact same dress after your text war about dresses (side note: I do this with my gfs all the time. Regardless of where I’m going, there’s usually a “WHAT ARE YOU WEARING” text/email/phone call 🙂

    Also I love the “Your bubbles are lonely” picture, LOL!! Glad you had a great time–this restaurant sounds amazing 🙂

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