
Home Made Chicken Noodle Soup for the Non-Cold

Home Made Chicken Noodle Soup for the Non Cold

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Home Made Chicken Noodle Soup for the “Non-Cold”

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Home Made Chicken Noodle Soup for the “Non-Cold”

Last week Sam and I were both feeling a little under the weather (I keep referring to whatever it was / is still kind of lingering) to “non-cold’s” as you couldn’t really say we were sick, we both just felt a bit throaty, a bit heady and generally just a bit yuck.

So not wanting our “non-cold’s” to develop into anything more serious we decided it was time to light the fire, get into our track suits, prep the Netflix and make up a massive pot of chicken noddle soup.
This is one of my favourite winter meals, and I love how you can put pretty much any combo of veggies into it and it will turn out delicious.

If you’ve read any of my recipe’s before, you know I’m not one for measuring anything, I just go by “what looks right” so if you want to try this recipe, you can pretty much just follow the general guidelines and chuck in whatever you please!


  • 1 large uncooked chicken
  • Chicken stock
  • 1 Brown Onion chopped
  • 5 Garlic cloves chopped
  • 2 red chilli’s chopped
  • Assorted vegetables (This time I purchased a pre-packaged set of “soup vegetables” and then added broccoli, beans, cauliflower, capsicum, zuchinni and chilli’s, but you can really use any veggies you like – it’s a good opportunity to get rid of left over uncooked veggies in the fridge too!)
  • Water (keep some on hand, if you’re anything like me you fill the pot up so much you nearly boil it dry, so it can help to top up your liquid along the way if you need to)
  • Rice Noodles
  • Bread Rolls
  • Butter
  • Salt and Pepper (for seasoning)


1. In a large pot add the chicken, chicken stock, onion, garlic and chilli’s (If you’re like me and you like to give your cats a bit of the chicken once it’s cooked add the chilli in later with the veggies). Season with salt and pepper.

2. Bring to the boil and reduce the heat to simmer for about an hour (or until the chicken is cooked).

Boiling the Chicken for Soup

3. Meanwhile, prepare the veggies by either chopping into small cubes by hand (or if you’re lazy like me just chuck them all in the food processor).

4. Once the chicken has cooked, remove it from the pot onto a large chopping board.

5. Remove all the bones from the chicken, and return the chicken to the pot.

6. Add the veggies

7. Simmer for about 30 mins (or until the vegetables are soft)

Making the Chicken Noodle Soup

8. Add the rice noodles and simmer for 5-10 mins (pop your bread rolls in the oven while you’re waiting for the rice noodles to soften)

9. Serve with bread and butter on the side (if you so desire!)

10. Be warned, this recipe is enough to feed a small army of men for about 3 days in a row. 

It’s pretty hot once it’s finished – check out the steam coming out of the bowl!

P.S. If you saw that pic I shared of the veggies… don’t use that many. Seriously, they won’t fit in the pot… I learnt that the hard way!

P.P.S. This “soup” turns out pretty thick… I had to have a little giggle to myself when I saw Sam eating it with his fork… LOL!
Before you go, I would love to know – what’s your favourite winter recipe for combating a cold? What ingredients do you include in your chicken soup?

Until next time, look forward to hearing your thoughts!

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Banana and Raspberry Baked Porridge

Banana and Raspberry Baked Porridge

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Banana and Raspberry Baked Porridge

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Banana and Raspberry Baked Porridge

Yesterday, I mentioned I had been experimenting with some new breakfast recipe’s as part of my eat healthy and exercise in order to get “back to normal” goal and had stumbled across a new breakfast recipe I quite like.

Since the colder months seemed to suddenly come out of nowehere, I found myself leaning more towards cooked breakfasts in the morning.

Often that will mean poached eggs on toast for us, but other times I will bake breakfast muffins.

Last week though, I decided I would try a new twist on an old baked porridge recipe I got right into last winter (I really wanted to make something that was healthy, but also filling).

Since Sam was away I hoped I might stumble on a delicious recipe I could make for him when he got home, and I think with this one I’m on to a winner.

The best part is, it’s super quick and easy, and it’s really, really yumy too (plus it’s very filling so a small serve will keep you full until lunch time).


  • Oats
  • Linseeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Shredded coconut
  • Chia  
  • Honey
  • Banana
  • Raspberries
  • Milk (I just use cows milk, but this recipe works fine with almond milk or coconut milk if you prefer)
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Ground ginger
  • Vanilla extract


1. Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees C and prepare a small shallow baking tray

2. Combine all ingredients except for the raspberries into bowl (crush the banana in with a fork)

Banana and Raspberry Baked Porridge

3. Once combined, pour ingredients onto the tray (I only wanted to make enough to last me 1-3 mornings, so this tray was a bit big for the amount I made)

4. Add the raspberries on top (fresh is always best, but if you’re anything like me you have a pack in the freezer that are probably close to their use by date… which is pretty much what inspired me to make these, that along, with a banana that was too soft to be eaten… LOL!)

5. Bake in the oven for approx. 20 minutes

Banana and Raspberry Baked Porridge

6. Serve in a small bowl (with added milk if you so desire)!

Banana and Raspberry Baked Porridge

Quick, easy, healthy and delicious!

If you’re not too keen on bananas or raspberries, this recipe also works really well with apples and blueberries, or really any fruit you fancy!

What’s your favourite winter breakfast? Let us know in the comments below!

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Home-Made Chicken Pasties with Vegetables

Home-Made Chicken Pasties with Vegetables

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Home-Made Chicken Pasties with Vegetables

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Home-Made Chicken Pasties with Vegetables

I have been making Home-Made Chicken Pasties for a few years, but I’ve always found them to be a bit fiddly and really time consuming.

One morning last week, Sam and I discussed that we didn’t have anything on that night, and I decided not to go to the gym so that we could just have 1 night where we were both home.

So when I wandered over to the shops to get food for dinner, I decided that since I would have heaps of time, I would make chicken pasties. We both really love these, but I don’t make them that often because they are so time consuming!

Little did I know, later that day I was going to be plauged with “morning sickness” (who are we kidding, that kind of sickness can last all day long).

Thank goodness, later in the afternoon I started feeling OK. So, I thought I’d better get dinner prepared before the sickness decided to strike again.

Since I was in a bit of a hurry (not knowing when the sickness might hit again) I had an epiphany and realised that I could speed up the process of making these bad boys by popping all the veggies in the food processer (can’t believe I’d never thought of that before, I used to spend hours chopping all the veg into teeny tiny cubes… LOL).

So, without further ado, here is the really simple and easy way to make these delicious home-made chicken pasites!

This recipe makes at least 16 pasties (I actually had to thow out some of the chicken and veg mix because I couldn’t be bothered making any more, so you might be able to squeeze 18 or more out of this mix)


  • Diced chicken (I used 500grams and got lenards to pre-dice it for me)
  • Brocolli
  • Carrot
  • Parsnip (I’m undecided on this one, used it this time, but not sure I’m loving the parsnip flavour in the pastie)
  • Pumpkin
  • Any other veggies that take your fancy
  • Diced Onion (I usually use onion, but yesterday, the baby was saying “no thanks” to that)
  • Chicken Supreme Gravy (I just use the pre-mix pack)
  • Grated cheese
  • Puff Pastry Sheets
  • 1 Egg
  • Olive oil for cooking

Note on the veggie option I will often just use up what ever veggies I have in the fridge, it doesn’t seem to make that much difference to the taste in the end.


Before you start, pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees C (if you don’t want to cook them straight away, just cover and leave in the fridge, or otherwise they freeze well too!)

1. Pop all the veggies in the food processor and whizz a couple of times (until they are chopped up really small) or if you don’t have a good processor chop the veg into little cubes
2. Heat pan (I used an electric frying pan) with oil and add onion. Cook until brown.
3. Add chicken
4. Once the chicken is cooked, mix up gravy and pour over the chicken in the pan
5. Add the veggies, mix together and pop the lid on the pan until veggies are soft

The result should look something like…

Home-Made Chicken Pasties with Vegetables

6. While you’re waiting for the veggies to cook, lay a puff pastry sheet on a large chopping board and divide it into 4 squares.
7. Once the chicken and veg mixture is ready, place a handful of grated cheese on each square of pastry, and a spoonful of chicken/veg mixture on top.

Home-Made Chicken Pasties with Vegetables

8. Using a fork, place little imprints around the edges of the pastry, and then fold it over to make a pastie.

9. Coat with egg and place on a baking tray.

Home-Made Chicken Pasties with Vegetables

9. Pop in the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes.

Home-Made Chicken Pasties with Vegetables


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Tomato Sauce with Hidden Veggies

Tomato Sauce with Hidden Veggies

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Tomato Sauce with Hidden Veggies

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Tomato Sauce with Hidden Veggies

About a year or so ago I started looking into the amount of sugar contained in many of the items we have around our house. Mainly sauces, dressings and that sort of thing.

I was a little alarmed with the sugar content I found, plus I thought it was fairly unnecessary in most things too!

So I started making a lot of our food from scratch, including my own tomato sauce (the type you would usually use in pasta type dishes) and thought I would share my latest creation on here with you.

On a recent visit to my parents place we decided to have lasagna for dinner.

My Mum isn’t one who is too keen on onions or garlic, and my Aunty (who was there too) can’t stand capsicum, so I made up a variation on my usual sauce for dinner that night (so much fuss over ingredients… is this what it’s like to have kids?? hehe).

So anyway, this time around I decided to include some hidden veggies as well to flesh out the sauce a bit and make the meal a bit more healthy overall.

See below for the recipe!

Here are a couple of before and after pics:

Tomato Sauce with Hidden Veggies
Tomato Sauce with Hidden Veggies


  • 11 tomatoes, diced
  • 1 carrot, grated
  • 1 zucchini, grated
  • bunch of basil (I used thai basil, but each to their own on this one)
  • season with salt and pepper


  1. Place all ingredients in a large saucepan
  2. Cook on high  with lid on until it all starts bubbling
  3. Turn down to a low simmer with the lid off
  4. Once all the ingredients have turned mushy, blend with a hand blender
  5. Add to your favourite pasta dish! (For this one we mixed it into mince and made a delicious lasagne, but I often use the sauce to make spaghetti bolognese or ravioli or a chicken pasta bake… the list is endless really!)

When I make this at home to pair with spaghetti or ravioli, I usually ditch the carrot and zucchini and add onion, garlic and capsicum. I put all the ingredients on a tray in the oven and bake for approx 30 mins before placing into the saucepan to reduce on low heat. It gives it an awesome flavour which I actually prefer over any store bought pasta sauce!

I’m not sure if my at-home version of it is kid-friendly, but if you give it a go and find they like it, please let me know!

If you want to use this recipe to make pizza sauce, just let it reduce on low heat until it’s nice and thick 🙂

Do you have any tricks for hiding veggies in food for your kids? Let us know in the comments below!

Before you go… make sure you sign up for exclusive access to our simple and effective strategies for everything from toddler tantrums to teenage defiance!

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Healthy Breakfast Muffins in Under 15 Minutes

Healthy Breakfast Muffins

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Healthy Breakfast Muffins in Under 15 Minutes

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Healthy Breakfast Muffins in Under 15 Minutes

I mentioned a while back that Sam and I try to eat breakfast and dinner together at the table (it’s one of our only chances to catch up each day) and when I have time I cook breakfast for both of us.

Today I’m keen to share with you one of Sam’s favourites – these are so quick and easy to make (and Sam raves about them so I’m thinking we’re onto a winner here!).

If you checked out our pumpkin soup recipe a few weeks back you will know I’m not one for measuring ingredients. I tend to just add whatever amount looks right and usually, our meals turn out fine, which means I write my recipe’s out much the same way… just add the amount of ingredients to suit your own taste.

So here we go:


  • 1 over-ripe banana – mashed (if your house is anything like ours you probably have at least 3 of those on the go most of the time)
  • Oats
  • Chia seeds
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Sunflower Kernels
  • Flax seeds
  • Coconut (shredded)
  • Honey
  • Butter
  • Walnuts


  1. Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees C
  2. Combine oats, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower kernels, coconut and flax seeds in a bowl
  3. Mix through mashed banana
  4. Melt butter and honey together and add to the mix
  5. Stir through walnuts
  6. Spoon mixture into patty pans
  7. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes

Sometimes I also mix through fresh blueberries – if I have them.

I’m not sure if these are kid-friendly… (although I would hope so, they are super healthy and so yummy) if you decide to try them out on your kids please let me know how they go!

Do you have a quick, easy delicious breakfast recipe you would like to share? Let us know in the comments below!

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