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Home Made Chicken Noodle Soup for the “Non-Cold”

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Home Made Chicken Noodle Soup for the “Non-Cold”

Last week Sam and I were both feeling a little under the weather (I keep referring to whatever it was / is still kind of lingering) to “non-cold’s” as you couldn’t really say we were sick, we both just felt a bit throaty, a bit heady and generally just a bit yuck.

So not wanting our “non-cold’s” to develop into anything more serious we decided it was time to light the fire, get into our track suits, prep the Netflix and make up a massive pot of chicken noddle soup.
This is one of my favourite winter meals, and I love how you can put pretty much any combo of veggies into it and it will turn out delicious.

If you’ve read any of my recipe’s before, you know I’m not one for measuring anything, I just go by “what looks right” so if you want to try this recipe, you can pretty much just follow the general guidelines and chuck in whatever you please!


  • 1 large uncooked chicken
  • Chicken stock
  • 1 Brown Onion chopped
  • 5 Garlic cloves chopped
  • 2 red chilli’s chopped
  • Assorted vegetables (This time I purchased a pre-packaged set of “soup vegetables” and then added broccoli, beans, cauliflower, capsicum, zuchinni and chilli’s, but you can really use any veggies you like – it’s a good opportunity to get rid of left over uncooked veggies in the fridge too!)
  • Water (keep some on hand, if you’re anything like me you fill the pot up so much you nearly boil it dry, so it can help to top up your liquid along the way if you need to)
  • Rice Noodles
  • Bread Rolls
  • Butter
  • Salt and Pepper (for seasoning)


1. In a large pot add the chicken, chicken stock, onion, garlic and chilli’s (If you’re like me and you like to give your cats a bit of the chicken once it’s cooked add the chilli in later with the veggies). Season with salt and pepper.

2. Bring to the boil and reduce the heat to simmer for about an hour (or until the chicken is cooked).

Boiling the Chicken for Soup

3. Meanwhile, prepare the veggies by either chopping into small cubes by hand (or if you’re lazy like me just chuck them all in the food processor).

4. Once the chicken has cooked, remove it from the pot onto a large chopping board.

5. Remove all the bones from the chicken, and return the chicken to the pot.

6. Add the veggies

7. Simmer for about 30 mins (or until the vegetables are soft)

Making the Chicken Noodle Soup

8. Add the rice noodles and simmer for 5-10 mins (pop your bread rolls in the oven while you’re waiting for the rice noodles to soften)

9. Serve with bread and butter on the side (if you so desire!)

10. Be warned, this recipe is enough to feed a small army of men for about 3 days in a row. 

It’s pretty hot once it’s finished – check out the steam coming out of the bowl!

P.S. If you saw that pic I shared of the veggies… don’t use that many. Seriously, they won’t fit in the pot… I learnt that the hard way!

P.P.S. This “soup” turns out pretty thick… I had to have a little giggle to myself when I saw Sam eating it with his fork… LOL!
Before you go, I would love to know – what’s your favourite winter recipe for combating a cold? What ingredients do you include in your chicken soup?

Until next time, look forward to hearing your thoughts!

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