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Emer’s Story: One Year On

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Emer’s Story: One Year On

Thank you to Emer for writing in again this year to share the next chapter of her story with us. Emer captures what it is like to experience a pregnancy after multiple losses… particularly the rollercoaster of excitement and fear that comes with each passing test and scan.

Emer and her husband Pete have been married for four years this month. Emer is originally from Ireland and came to Australia 9 years ago. Her husband Pete is Aussie and they live in Melbourne with their little girl Darcy and her furry big brother called Charlie 😜 (their border collie). 

Emer’s Story: One Year On

A month after we submitted our story for the ‘one in four’ series last year, we found out we were pregnant again. Instead of excitement, My first thought was “oh no, here we go again”. 

I was terrified, sad and tired, at the thought of having to go through another heartbreak. My husband and I, didn’t allow ourselves to say the words pregnant or baby, out loud for months, for fear that we would “jinx it”. 

I told myself that I would relax once we made it past ten weeks, as we had never made it that far with our previous pregnancies. Every scan and doctors appointment, I would spend the night before unable to sleep, lying awake , expecting bad news.

There were a lot of tears in doctors waiting rooms, and a few extra scans and checks for reassurance along the way. After every scan I would feel excited and happy but by the next day the anxiety and worry would creep back in.

Honestly, I didn’t relax or truly believe what was happening until the day we met our beautiful baby girl in July this year. These past weeks getting to know my baby girl have been the happiest of my life. 

After our third miscarriage, I told myself I was done. But within a few months, that little bit of hope and ‘what if’ crept back into my mind and we decided to try again.

It amazes me to think how much has changed in the past year, all the tears and heartache were worth it and I’m so glad we didn’t give up. 

To anyone going through similar things, it sounds cliche….but, you really are stronger than you know. Without realising, we just pick ourselves up and keep going because that little bit of hope always creeps back in. 

If you would like to share your story of infertility or pregnancy loss this October, 2018, please send your story to info@ohbeehave.com.au or if you would like to share your story anonymously please fill out the form on our get in touch page.

All submissions received will be shared on our blog “One in Four” throughout the month of October.

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