Over the past couple of months I’ve been experiencing what are known as “chemical pregnancies”. It’s basically where you get a positive result (in my experience, the line on the test is quite faint) on a home test but then a couple of days later have a cycle like normal…
In a chemical pregnancy, it is thought that perhaps an embryo is created, triggering HcG to rise, but the embryo doesn’t get to the stage of implantation, which causes a cycle to start like normal.
After I’d had 3 chemical pregnancies in a row, I went to see my GP because I was concerned that they could possibly be caused by something other than the balanced translocation (especially since the last miscarriage at just over 8 weeks gestation was not due to balanced translocation, and just some “unknown reason”).
My GP seemed rather doubtful about the whole thing, because I explained to her that my positive home tests had been showing up on day 22 and then cycles starting a couple of days later on day 24 (usually accompanied by what I would describe as a hormone-related headache).
She thought that it was “very unlikely” that I would be seeing a positive home test result at 22 days.
It did make me question myself a bit… but to be honest, I’ve been pregnant so many times now I’m pretty clear on what the signs look like for me, and I really didn’t think the results were false (not that she said that, but I felt that was insinuated).
So anyway, the next month there was no positive result, and the following month (March) there was once again a positive result on day 22. I took a photo of it (I’m not sure if it was to prove it to myself or the Doctor, but anyway I just felt like for some reason I just needed someone to believe that this was what was happening) and then I took another test, using a testing kit from a completely different company on day 24 (which was also positive) just so at the very least I had some form of evidence before I could get back to the Doctor to get a blood test.
Check out my Instagram reel for a bit of a fun spin off on how my results have been looking 😉
I had been trying (without much luck) to get back to my OB to run some tests to find out if there was any other reason for the chemical pregnancies, but couldn’t get an appointment until next week anyway.
SO after all that, I’m back off to the Doctor (GP) this week to get a new referral to the OB so that I can at least ask for some tests to check hormone levels are where they are supposed to be, and maybe also ask for some other tests to be run just in case there is some other unknown-underlying reason that could cause early pregnancy loss.
Have you ever been in a situation like this? If so, if you are willing to share, I would love to know what caused your chemical pregnancies.
A couple of people have mentioned to me that theirs were caused by low iron, and a blood blotting disorder. If there’s anyone else out there with any ideas on what tests to ask for, I’d love to hear them!
Will do my best to keep in touch with updates.
Until next time… I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.