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Too Much Good Food and Wine

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Too Much Good Food and Wine

You may recall last week I shared a post about our Duck and Pinot night at BWG Steakhouse and promised to share all the fun of the Good Food and Wine Show we had in Perth too…. But I feared that I had waffled on a bit too much and decided that the Good Food and Wine Show could wait for another post.

I hate to back down on my promises, so here goes…

The Food and Wine Show was 2 nights after the Duck & Pinot night, and I was honestly questioning whether I could do yet another night full of drinking and eating (my sister-in-law and I planned to visit the show in the afternoon and then go out for dinner after).

Probably just slightly over-ambitious for us both, but you know, we’re not afraid of a challenge, so we decided just to start off with the show and then see where the evening took us.

Once I saw what was on the list of exhibitors, I decided I could turn the event into a “non-pregnancy special”.

Meaning, I ate everything you’re “not supposed” to eat whilst pregnant (I try to do this as much as possible in those non-pregnant months) so I went all out with Champagne, Wine, Ice Cream Wine (yep, there is such a thing as ice cream with wine in it!), Fresh Oysters, Deli Meats, Soft Cheese and to top it all off I finished the non-pregnancy extravaganza with a lemon meringue tart.

So, that about sums up our afternoon, but let’s rewind back to how we found all these delicious goodies and where we got them from!

When we arrived, we thought it was best to take a look around before sampling anything and then circle back to see what we wanted to try. We had some specific things we were hoping to sample (with wine ice cream on our minds!) so we wanted to make sure we could find those as well.

But, a couple of steps in and my sister-in-law spotted The Worl’d Best Pizza by 400 Gradi and she was gone. I had sneakily had some pizza for lunch before we got to the show, so I declined and then kicked myself for eating before a Food and Wine Show (seriously, sometimes I just don’t know what I’m thinking, but when the hanger calls, the hanger calls and there is no need to tackle a massive crowd in a public place when you’re hangry.)

We found a little possie to sit down and while my sister-in-law was enjoying her pizza (just quietly I did sneak a piece after all, it was amazing by the way) I spotted the Cheese Alley and knew what I wanted to do next.

Cheese Alley

Once the pizza was done, we wandered over to Cheese Alley, only to see it was packed! We tried a tiny piece of ricotta and then decided the crowd was a bit too much for us, so decided to wander for a while and then circle back.

On our travels, we found the Wine Scream (Yes! Wine ice cream!) which was awesome (I don’t have a picture, because you know… I ate it before I even thought of snapping a shot) but it was definitely worth trying and one of the highlights of the afternoon!

After that we decided we had looked around enough and thought it might be worth finding somewhere to sit down for a glass of wine before attempting to tackle the crowd back down at cheese alley again (plus we were hopeful that the crowd would thin out closer to the end of the day!)

So, we headed over to the Champagne and Osyter Bar.

Champagne and Oyster Bar

There was a wait time of about 10 minutes in the line to get in, but once we were there it was all worth it. This was one of my favourite parts of the afternoon.

We were able to sit down with a glass of Taittinger, freshly sucked oysters and a plate of charcuterie (a yummy selection of meats, cheeses, turkish bread and hummus).

Too Much Good Food and Wine

It was a good opportunity to catch up and think about how we were going to tackle the cheese alley and plan the rest of our afternoon.

By the time we had finished our champagne and all our snacks, we decided we were quite full, so thought we would wander for a bit, suss out the status of the cheese alley and then see how we felt.

We stopped by the Rivendell / Cabernato stand and endured the wait to try one of our favourites… mojito wine. Yep, that’s a thing. The wait was definitely worth it. The mojito wine tasted just as good as we remembered, and we invested in two bottles to take home with us in preparation for our cocktails in the pool this summer.

Then, we decided to brace ourselves and head back over at cheese alley, where the crowd was still crankin’.

On our way over there, we spotted some delicious lemon meringue tarts that had taken our fancy. So, we thought rather than deal with that cheese loving crowd, we would much prefer a nice glass of wine and a tart for dessert to round out the afternoon.

So, we headed back over to Louis Boeglin Patisserie to grab our tarts and then very carefully carried them over to the Cape Mentelle Lounge so we could grab a seat and a couple of glasses of wine (SBS for my sister-in-law and Trinders Merlot for me).


As we were finishing off our glasses we were surprised to hear an announcement overhead to say that the show was over!

So, there you go, a couple of hours filled in, in no time at the Good Food and Wine Show!

It was a great afternoon out sampling some really delicious food and wine, but the crowds were a bit full on! We were hoping by going later in the afternoon we might have the place to ourselves a bit, but we were so wrong.

I think everyone had the same idea as us! A lot of people looked like they were just getting started on their Saturday night and didn’t have any plans to move on any time soon.

I’m not sure I would visit the show again, but I think it is definitely worth visiting at least once to check out what’s on offer. If I did visit again, I might think about going earlier in the day on a Friday to try and beat some of that Saturday afternoon crowd!

After all that food and drink we decided we couldn’t possibly eat or drink anything else. It was a rather cold evening and the forecast looked like rain, so we both decided we’d much prefer to be at home on the couch in our trackies!

Until next time, I’d love to hear about food and wine festivals you’ve been to. Which is your favourite? Do the crowds get a bit much for you too or do you love to get in there and see the crowd buzzing?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments below!

Before you go, have you or someone you know experienced miscarriage, stillbirth or infertility?

Throughout the month of October, we will be sharing stories to raise awareness and reduce the stigma associated with these “taboo” topics.

Check out this post for more info on how you can share your story.

Looking for child behaviour strategies? Click here to access to all our strategies from infancy through to the teenage years. Make sure you register here first!

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8 Replies to “Too Much Good Food and Wine”

    1. Haha, thanks Kerry! I don’t think we’re really exempt at any age… I already spend about 4 hours a week working out and I do eat “clean” most of the time when I’m at home 😉

  1. How fun! I love food events. I have these things called Best Of around me and you get samples from all these places in a certain area – like Best of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, OH) and then you vote for your favorites. It’s a lot of fun.

  2. This sounds like the kind of place I want to spend an afternoon! It all sounds so delicious and looks so good! I have had wine ice cream before, it is delightful!

  3. I’ve never been to a food and wine show but there’s a big one in NYC each year my buddy goes to and he always raves about it. Omg this sounds like an incredible event! Wine ice cream and mojito wine?! Yes, please 🙂 good on you for having two fun nights out in the same week 🙂

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