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Another One Bites The Dust

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Another One Bites The Dust

You can probably guess from the title that the outcome for G9 was not a good one.

I went in for my 8 week scan (really 8 weeks, 6 days) and could see pretty quickly that the pregnancy had not progressed. There was clearly no heartbeat and the embryo looked like it had deteriorated significantly, measuring only 6 weeks gestation.

One of the crappy parts of miscarriage is that you can have one but still experience pregnancy symptoms and show no signs until you get to a scan or check.

That’s the usual experience for me, which is why I opt for a lot of scans, as I don’t like to leave things too long in case of complications / infections from retained products and that sort of thing.

Of course, my new OB was away so his colleague very kindly stepped in and rushed me in for an appointment the same afternoon as my scan.

She was lovely, and discussed some concerns with me about repeat D&C’s (a suction type procedure that removes the pregnancy from the uterus) as it can cause scarring (otherwise known as “Asherman’s Syndrome” and pre-term labour in an otherwise healthy pregnancy).

I had been a little concerned about Asherman’s due to our last loss having an “unknown reason” (not caused by unbalanced translocation) and asked her a little bit about whether she had any recommendations for me (it can’t hurt to ask for other opinions if you have to see someone new anyway!)

She suggested some tests I could have to check for the syndrome, a fertility specialist I might like to consult, and said that she would also check for signs of it when she did my procedure the next day (not really a fail-proof check, but she said sometimes she can get a “feel” for whether there is already scarring when she does a D&C).

I said I’d really appreciate her thoughts after the procedure and asked if she could leave some notes for me. She very kindly offered to come down and see me after the procedure (pretty nice of her, considering I’m not really her patient and most Dr’s don’t’ come to see you until your follow-up appointment in my experience).

So, I went in for the procedure this morning. It was all pretty non-eventful as far as procedures go and the OB came down to see me afterwards as promised.

She said that she didn’t recognise any signs of scarring but still said I could get a referral for a proper procedure to check if I really wanted to. I agreed just to wait until the results of my genetic testing on my embryo came back to see if it was an unbalanced translocation before opting to any further investigation.

So we are in the waiting game again for the next 4 weeks just waiting on results before deciding what to do next…

If you have any thoughts, comments or experiences with Asherman’s (or any other insights you’d like to share) I’d love to hear them in the comments below.

Until next time…

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2 Replies to “Another One Bites The Dust”

  1. We share in your sadness with the loss of G9. .We thank you for sharing your journey and the raw loss of hopes and dreams that went with G9 . One day we hope to share in the joy of a dream realized. In the meantime we hope that it helps to know that we love you and wish you well. ❤❤❤

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