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The Great Gender Reveal

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The Great Gender Reveal

I don’t think I can really find the words to express just how relieved Sam and I were feeling when we saw our perfect little G5 on the ultrasound scan on Tuesday morning.

I was an absolute wreck before the scan, barely able to function, sobbing onto Sam’s shoulder and telling him I didn’t want to go to the appointment.

I knew I was being irrational, and everything was more than likely going to be fine, but I still could not shake the feeling that after everything that has happened something could still go wrong.

I had been keeping myself distracted as much as possible in the weeks leading up to the scan, but I was stressed to the max. I barely got myself together to go to the scan and felt very fortunate when the ultrasound tech reassured us that she would talk us through everything as she saw it on the screen.

We both watched and listened very intently, and when she told us that the baby looked text book perfect, I burst into tears out of pure relief. It took me a moment to bring myself back to reality again, so she could get a few pictures of the scan to send through to us (plus this gorgeous little video):

We were feeling pretty confident after the scan that everything was OK, but still had one more hurdle to jump over that afternoon when we saw our OB. He very quickly found our NIPT results and told us that the report stated “low risk” for all the chromosomal abnormalities we had been concerned about.

I focussed on asking a few serious questions about what happens next (luckily for us I get to be treated as a “normal” patient now and don’t need any further monitoring until the usual scan at 19 weeks). I thought that might stress me out a bit, but I’m feeling OK about it now that I know everything looks fine.

Then it was time for the fun part… finding out Baby G5’s Gender.

Usually, you don’t find this out until later on in a pregnancy, but because we had the NIPT test to check out all the serious chromosome stuff, they had to look at ALL the chromosomes… including the sex ones, and obviously, they write that on the report.

So, Sam and I were very excited to find out little G5’s gender.

BUT, I was really keen to have a bit of fun and rather than just tell everyone straight away, so I thought we could have some fun by doing a little gender reveal activity with our parents and sister.

The first date we can all get together at the same time is next Friday, so I’ve got a little bit of time to do some planning.

I do have an idea of what I’d like to do for the gender reveal, but as I am still in the planning stages, I am very keen to hear any thoughts or ideas anyone has on awesome gender reveals they have seen in the past!

I have been making a little collection of ideas on Pinterest so if you’re keen to check out what’s inspiring me so far, follow along on our Gender Reveal Board.

If you have a cool idea you’d like to share with us, please let me know in the comments below.

I would also really love to hear your guess as to whether you think little G5 is a boy or girl!?

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