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The Most Relaxing Way to Conceive

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The Most Relaxing Way to Conceive

Is there a relaxing way to conceive?

I’m not really sure about that, and I’m not too sure what you were hoping to hear (or see!) when you clicked on this link, but I’m definitely not using this post to discuss the in’s and out’s of conception (Ha!)

But now that I’ve got your attention, I just wanted to take the opportunity to talk about pre-conception meditations.

Is that even a thing? Do they work? Can pre-conception meditations actually help you conceive?

I don’t know.

Honestly, I hadn’t heard about “pre-conception meditation” until a couple of months ago, so I’m not too sure about the benefits, but since I do find, in general, that daily meditations are helpful in getting my mind settled as well as reducing any feelings of stress or anxiety I may be experiencing, that it couldn’t hurt to give it a go.

At the very least, I find meditation does help get me prepared for the day so I can work more productively.

You may remember a while back, I shared my favourite pregnancy meditations and then after miscarriage number 3, I shared a few general daily meditations that I found helped to reduce the stress and anxiety I was experiencing.

Not too long after that I saw some “pre-conception” meditations flash across my screen as suggested video’s I might like to watch on YouTube. I wasn’t really in the frame of mind for them then, so now that I’m feeling much more relaxed and recovered from our last miscarriage, I thought I would check a few out and see what they are like.

After doing a bit of a search, I found there are some really kooky one’s out there that I just did not feel comfortable doing at all. But lucky there were a few I quite liked the sound of, and thought would be worth giving a go through the week.

This first one is probably my favourite. I particularly like the voice in the video and I don’t get that “weird” vibe off it like I did with some of the others I listened to.

The bit I’m not so keen on is where she talk’s about connecting with your “soul baby”, but I think some people might like it and be able to relate. I do like how the overall tone is positive and easy to listen to.

It is a little bit longer than my preferred 10 minute max for meditations, but I think this one is worth waiting out the extra few minutes:

I really like what this next one has to say, particularly the positive thoughts and affirmations, but I’m not a huge fan of the voice or the “ahhhh” sound the speaker makes after talking through each chakra and affirmation.

It is only 6 minutes long, so I like that it is quite short and to the point. So if you can get through it with an open mind and without giggling at the “ahhhh” you might enjoy this one.

Lastly, this one isn’t really a meditation, but it is a series of positive affirmations paired with music that I quite enjoyed reading and I found, did help to give different perspectives on things associated with fertility and visualising a future healthy pregnancy.

To follow along with these meditations any time, and to check out new ones as I add them, head over to our youtube playlist.

So, after all that, do I really think these meditations will help us make a baby in the not so distant future?

Honestly, I highly doubt it, but I think for what it’s worth I do enjoy doing daily meditations and it can’t hurt to mix up the tone of my meditations for a week or so, can it!?

Until next time, what do you think?

Have you ever tried pre-conception meditations? Did they work for you? Do you have another “get pregnant quickly” remedy that is fool-proof and worked for you?

Alternatively, do you just enjoy general daily meditations like me?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Before you go, have you or someone you know experienced miscarriage, stillbirth or infertility?

Throughout the month of October, we will be sharing stories to raise awareness and reduce the stigma associated with these “taboo” topics.

Check out this post for more info on how you can share your story.

Looking for child behaviour strategies? Click here to access to all our strategies from infancy through to the teenage years. Make sure you register here first!

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4 Replies to “The Most Relaxing Way to Conceive”

  1. This is so neat! I’ve always wanted to become a certified doula because I’ve loved seeing women going through the process of pregnancy and childbirth and I find this so interesting. I’m going to follow your playlist and will have to work my way through these meditations. What a neat concept!

  2. I definitely found that meditations were helpful leading up to delivery when I was pregnant, so I can see that they could be helpful in conceiving too!

  3. This is a fascinating concept! I don’t if it would work, but it certainly couldn’t hurt. I’ll have to try it and get back to you.

  4. I never heard of this before, but you know… I’m in the “it certainly can’t hurt” camp 🙂 Thanks for sharing… saving to my browser to try before *wink wink* times.

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