
How to Make Your Own Stretch Mark Cream

Stretch Mark Cream

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How to Make Your Own Stretch Mark Cream

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How to Make Your Own Stretch March Cream

Back when I was pregnant the first time, I started worrying about stretch marks and what I could do about them.

I know, plenty of people said “don’t worry” and “it’s a right of passage” and “you’ve got to earn those” and all other sorts of random things…

I’m not really one that cares much for right’s of passage and I honestly don’t think stretch marks are something thatneed to be earned.

I really think it is OK to care about your appearance AND I think if there is a way to prevent or get rid of stretch marks that is simple, natural and pain free then I’m all for that!

A first, I was just using rosehip oil on it’s own. It was effective, but I found it to be quite expensive and after 2 failed pregnancies, I just couldn’t justify the cost of continuing to buy it.

So, I decided to see what other options were out there, and found it is really simple to make your own cream out of a combination of rosehip and coconut oil. 

As for whether it prevents stretch marks… I don’t know. I do know that I already had a few stretch marks on my *ah hem* upper thighs (just one of the joys assoicated with putting on an losing weight with each miscarriage) and since I started using this concoction, they have faded considerably 🙂 

To make this cream, all you need is:

  1. Coconut Oil
  2. Rosehip Oil
  3. A hand beater
  4. A bowl
  5. A jar


  1. Pop a few spoonfuls of coconut oil into the bowl (how much you put in will depend on how much cream you want to make…) If it is too cold, just warm it up a touch in the micorwave
  2. Add a few drops of rosehip oil
  3. Whip with your hand beater until smooth
  4. Pour into jar

That’s it!

Super easy and simple. I think making up my last batch probably only took about 10 minutes.

I hope this mix works for you too if you try it!

Just a quick word of caution though, it may transfer onto your clothes if you put it on straight before getting dressed for the day, so I would suggest using it at night, before you get into bed instead.

Lastly, I also use this as a general moisturiser too… I find it much more effective than other moisturisers (plus, I like that it doesn’t have any chemicals in it, it’s really cheap to make, and it goes a really long way!)

Before you go, I would love to know… what is your go-to cream for stretch marks?
Do you have a favourite moisturiser?
Do you make your own? 

If you know of a similar mixture that doesn’t mark clothes and is good for day-time use I would love to know what it is!

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Do You Feel Guilty About Drinking Alcohol Before You Knew You Were Pregnant?

Alcohol & Pregnancy

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Do You Feel Guilty About Drinking Alcohol Before You Knew You Were Pregnant?

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Do You Feel Guilty About Drinking Alcohol Before You Knew You Were Pregnant?

It’s no secret that about a week before I knew I was pregnant, Sam and I had a night out where there was plenty of free-flowing champagne and I had more than a few glasses.

So, naturally, a week later when I found out I was pregnant, my Mum asked me how I was feeling about having all those drinks the week before.

I said to her that alcohol and pregnancy is something I have taken a keen interest in over the past year and as far as I know, it shouldn’t really make a difference to the development of the foetus at such an early stage.

I am no Doctor, so don’t go taking any of this information on board as true and correct, as it is only information I have learned from googling, so I cannot vouch for the accuracy of it on this occasion (plus, as far as I know there is no conclusive evidence around sporadic drinking, binge drinking or it’s impact on foetal development during pregnancy and since it’s not really ethical to study it… we might not ever really know!!)

Here’s an extract from The Embryo Project Encyclopedia a website I quite like, that talks through fetal development and alcohol:

“In the first two weeks following fertilization, excessive alcohol consumption does not generally have a negative effect on the zygote and emerging blastocyst (pre-embryo). Maternal consumption of alcohol during this time can prevent proper implantation of the blastocyst in the uterus, resulting in an increased rate of resorption or early termination of the pregnancy, generally before a woman realizes she is pregnant. The potential for the cells in the blastocyst to become any cell lineage in the body generally confers protection against the negative effects that alcohol has on specific cellular populations.”

(in case all that weeks stuff is confusing, my understanding is that here they are referring to what would be week’s 3 and 4)

If you’re interested in reading the full article, check out this link

Anyway, as far as I know, at around what would technically be “week 3” of pregnancy, you’re not really “pregnant” yet nor are you passing anything on to the soon-to-be embryo (I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure at that stage it’s developing from a zygote to a blastocyst based on the slowly increasing hormones in your body, and gearing up for implantation in the uterus, which happens at roughly 4-ish weeks).

So, to be honest with you, I haven’t been that fussy about what I eat or drink this time around.

When we first started trying to have a baby, I was really good. I ate really healthy, attended the gym regularly, and limited my alcohol consumption to 2 drinks on any 1 occasion.

But since we have been trying for nearly a year now and we have already had 2 miscarriages that have nothing at all to do with diet, exercise or even alcohol consumption for that matter, I’d kind of just gotten sick of “doing the right thing” all the time “just in case I might be pregnant”.

So a while back I decided that I would just do what ever I would normally do and not limit my lifestyle too much based on “what if’s”.

As one of my friends said “you just can’t live your life like that”.

I do also know plenty of people who were drinking by accident before they knew they were pregnant, and seriously, all their babies turned out fine.

I don’t want you to think I’m advocating for drinking alcohol during pregnancy. Of course we all know about the relationship between long-term, repeated exposure to alcohol and the potential impact of resulting FAS on babies, which I just want to point out is not the same as a one-off night with a few too many drinks before you’re actually pregnant.

In which case, I don’t think there is any reason to feel guilty about something that is in the past, that you clearly can’t change, and probably won’t have any impact on your future anyway.

On that point, I do think that if you do choose to have the occasional glass of vino when pregnant, that should be completely up to you and not judged by anybody (especially since there is no evidence to say that the occasional glass makes any difference)!

So, if you’re in the same scenario, I hope you won’t feel guilty about having a few drinks before you knew any different (and if you want to see a few similar stories that might make you feel better… and might make your hair curl a little too, check out this thread from Baby Centre).

Before you do though… I would love to know:

Did you drink alcohol before you knew you were pregnant?
Do you try to limit your alcohol intake (amongst other things) “just in case” you might be pregnant?
Do you think the occasional glass of wine during pregnancy is OK?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts! Remember, you can comment anonymously if you wish (even I won’t know who you are!) 😉


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Third Time Lucky

Third Time Lucky

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Third Time Lucky

We’re finally pregnant again.

This is the third time around for us, following 2 miscarriages in the past year.

You may remember the last time I found out I was pregnant, the crazy roller coaster of emotions I didn’t seem to be able to get a handle on.

Some days, I was fine. Other days I was beside myself with grief, and stressed to the max about having another miscarriage.

Since we found out about the chromosomal translocation, I had taken a more relaxed “whatever will be will be” approach to the whole thing and hoped I could hold on to that for the next pregnancy.

The thing is, you never really know how you will feel until the time comes.

Thank goodness, as soon as I found out this time, I was over the moon!

I actually couldn’t believe how excited I was. I couldn’t wait to tell Sam and our family and friends. I pretty much just wanted to scream “finally!!” from the rooftops.

Until I worked out my due date was the same day my Grandfather (my Mum’s Dad) had passed away.

I never actually got the chance to meet him as he died very young, years before I was born. So, when I told my Mum the estimated due date, and she said she’d really like to have a nice memory for that day, it clicked to me straight away what she meant… which pretty much kicked those crazy pregnant cry baby emotions in (sheesh, I can’t hardly even type this without getting worked up again… lol).

But apart from that, I have a pretty good handle on things. I’ve only felt really stressed out twice, and that was both times when I was waiting for blood test results on my hcg and progesterone levels.

Since then I said to my OB not to worry about doing any more blood tests. Waiting for the results (btw, all fine so far) I have found is more stress than it’s worth.

So, since everything is fine so far, I said I’d be happy to assume everything is OK for now and wait until the 24th when we can have a scan to see what’s going on in there (it’s less than 2 weeks away anyway!)

Funnily enough, the fact that I have a 50% chance of miscarriage doesn’t even really upset me (not even a close second on the emotional scale to the due date coincidence!)

We’ve decided just to take a positive outlook on the whole scenario. Of course, we don’t want to set ourselves up for disappointment, as we definitely know how this could end, but we can’t see any harm in feeling hopeful for a positive outcome all the same.

So, here’s hoping…! 😉

Until next time, I’d really like to know…

How did your pregnancy hormones affect you?

Were you super excited like me, and then sometimes outrageously emotional, or did they have little impact at all?

Look forward to hearing your experiences!

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How I Knew I Was Pregnant Again

How I Knew I Was Pregnant Again

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How I Knew I Was Pregnant Again

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How I Knew I Was Pregnant Again

It can be tricky to spot the early signs of pregnancy.

Unfortunately many of the pre-menstrual symptoms are similar (sore breasts, bloating, general crankiness, nausea, cramps…) and I am the type that tends to get “phantom symptoms” anyway… but this time I was pretty sure something was going on.

I’ve mentioned before about how I had intense baby brain in a couple of older posts the last two times I was pregnant (check them out here and here) and this time around was no different!!

Starting with…

The Bank Debacle

Early last week I needed to go to the bank to cash a cheque (I’m still trying to get around why some companies still use check, but anyway…), unfortunately the cheque had been written with my maiden name on it, with a “not negotiable” stamp on the front.

I thought that since the bank is pretty good at being useless and hadn’t managed to change my name properly on half of our accounts anyway that cashing it shouldn’t really be a problem. Even so, I thought I would dig out my marriage certificate just in case there was an issue.

Since I had to go to bank anyway I thought I might as well run some other errands at the shops. I had heaps to do that day and didn’t want to waste any time, so I decided to plan out which shops to go to in which order in order to maximise efficiency (I hate going to the shops at the best of times, so the less time spent there, the better!!).

I went and did my bits and pieces and then headed over to the bank. There was a queue 3 deep, so I waited about 15 minutes and then finally got to speak to the guy at the desk. I explained the name change situation, and joked with him that since the bank couldn’t seem to get my name right on my card anyway, that surely cashing this cheque wouldn’t be an issue.

He seemed to think it wouldn’t be a problem and steered me over to the fancy new ATM cheque deposit machine. I reached into my hand bag and… of course, the cheque wasn’t there.

I must have left it… somewhere. Which is stupid, because the cheque is the main reason I’d even left the house that day.

I explained to the guy that I would go home, get the cheque and come back.

I decided to quickly do the rest of my jobs at the shops, then raced home, got the cheque (of course, it was sitting on my desk in a neat little pile with my marriage certificate) and thought that rather than walking, I’d speed up the process by driving over to the shops.

So, I jumped in the car… navigated to the parking area near the bank and of course… it’s packed out.

Not a spare car space in sight! I circled for 20 minutes with no luck at all (it felt like every time I saw a spare space another car would magically appear out of nowhere and snatch it up before I could get there!)

Finally, I admitted defeat and went to another parking area, further away from the bank.

By this stage, I’m wondering whether to just give up, I’ve already wasted enough time on the stupid cheque today.

Anyway, I finally get to the bank and of course… there’s a new staff member at the desk.

I walk right up to her and explain the name situation all over again. She looks at the cheque, looks at my account and says “you can’t bank this cheque, you will need to get them to write a new one”.

At this stage, I’m about to flip my lid. Through gritted teeth I say to her “Look, this is the second time I’ve been down here today. I am not having a good day, this is not the time to stuff me around and I am NOT IN THE MOOD FOR THIS. Since the bank can’t seem to work out how to change my name on all our accounts in the first place, I don’t see any reason why you wouldn’t be able to deposit this cheque.”

Her response? “That’s not a problem, I will order you a new card with your married name now”

With that response, I’ve pretty much had enough, and say to her (probably a little too loudly) “I think you’re missing the point. I just need to deposit this cheque. If the name is such a problem, here’s my marriage certificate, why don’t you just go ahead and change my name back! I don’t care HOW you do it, I you just need to




PLUS, the other guy SAID I COULD!!!”

While I shot daggers at her.

She look at me like I was a bit of a crazy bitch and said “um… well the other guy that was here before is a teller, so he probably knows what he’s talking about… I’ll just get the manager…” and tip-toed away quietly.

She faffed about for around 15 minutes and then finally came and said “no problem, we’ll deposit that cheque for you now”.

I felt slightly guilty about my crazy outburst, but I’m kinda thinking I might not have gotten my cheque deposited if that situation hadn’t gone down?

Anyway, the whole cheque business was only the start of my crazy week.

The Barely-a-Break-In

After I got home, I saw that one of our statues had been knocked over in the garden, and our back door was open… so I was freaking out a little.

I tiptoed over to the back door, only to find that… it was locked.


Yep, I had managed to lock it… and leave it open at the same time. What a cracker.

and the third thing that tipped me off baby brain wise…

The Freeway Fiasco

The next day, we were having Sam’s parents over for dinner. Nothing totally unusual about that, but long story short I had agreed to go pick up Sam’s Mum after I left school.

I don’t go down South street all that often, but it is pretty simple to navigate to their place from there, all you really need to do is get on the freeway…

So, I  managed to get myself onto South street, driving along, only to see the University on my left, at which point, I’m thinking “umm… I’m pretty sure, the university is past the freeway”.

Which of course it is!!

My baby brain managed to somehow DRIVE PAST the freeway on-ramp without even noticing (seriously, you think they could make those big green sign’s more obvious, right!?)

So, the return of the baby brain earlier in the week is what first tipped me off about the new pregnancy before it was confirmed.

Following that, I found myself craving steak with sour cream (weird combo, hey!?), feeling just a little bit off, but also hungry at the same time, my skin was unbelievably dry and I was sooo sooo thirsty all week. There were a few other symptoms but possibly TMI so I’ll leave it at that 😉

Finally, on Friday morning I decided I better take a home test. I was a mixture of nervous and excited so I could hardly sleep the night before and found myself awake half the night.

Finally at about 5:30am I got up and did a test. Only to find the test was faulty! ARGH! I was so annoyed I’d wasted that “first thing in the morning pee” on that stupid test. I quickly jumped on google to see if there was a 24 hour chemist close by.

Of course, the earliest a chemist is open near us is 7am… so I occupied myself for a little while until 7am came around and shot off down there to check with the chemist if there is another type of test you can use any time of day!

Thank goodness there is. So, I grabbed a 3 pack (I know, probably over-kill, but what if the first one doesn’t work again!?)

And Lo and behold… that one was nice and positive. Just as I thought.

But even so, I decided to race down to the path lab and get a blood test as well just to be sure (I’m pretty lucky that my OB usually calls me with test results the same day as the test so I was eager to get it done… but of course, on this occasion I had to wait 3 days for the results *sighs*).

So, that’s how I knew I was pregnant again.

Now, we just have to wait to see if our 50/50 chance pulls through for us this time! Lot’s of positive thinking happening over here 😉

Until we find out what’s happening, I’d love to hear your experiences!

Did you know you were pregnant really early on? How did you find out?
Did you have weird symptom’s that tipped you off?
Do you have phantom symptoms sometimes too??

Let us know in the comments below. Look forward to hearing your thoughts!

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Would You Go Public or Private?

Would You Go Public or Private?

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Would You Go Public or Private?

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Would You Go Public or Private?

This is a topic Sam and I thought about way back before we even entertained the thought of trying to start a family.

Whether to go public or private when choosing a hospital to deliver our baby.

As someone who has worked in the public health system, I hold it in quite high regard.

If you had asked me a couple of years ago, I probably would have said just go public.

BUT, when I first found out I was pregnant, I really hadn’t made my mind up about what I wanted to do.

So, I did what most people do… and turned to google for an answer.

My googling revealed that some people reported having had an awesome experience with the private system, being able to stay with their partner in a private room for the first 5 days along with their newborn, with all their meals etc sorted for them (plus the option to get a full night’s sleep if they so desired).

Unfortunately, others said that it was unbelievably expensive for them to check in as a private patient, they got hit with extra surprise costs and didn’t even get a private room, swearing they would go public to save on costs next time around!

There were some horror stories about public hospitals too, where ladies spoke about spending days in labour and being refused pain relief (like an epidural) due to miscommunications between staff… scary stuff!

Then on the flip side, other new mums and dads said they found the public system a breeze, no hassles, got a private room and the Doctor of their choice, access to classes and support without paying a cent!

Nothing really helped me make up my mind. There seemed to be positives and negatives on both sides.

Since I had to go see my GP for blood tests and all those other fun discussions and referrals you get when you find out you’re pregnant, I decided to ask her opinion on the public / private debate while I was there.

She really said it was up to me, but recommended I go private at least for the first and then see how I felt for any remaining children after that.

I thought that sounded like pretty good advice.

Looking back now, I’m glad we did go private.

Although it has been a bit costly…

(I know people talk about how expensive it is to have kids… but you know what else is expensive!? NOT having kids, apparently!)

I’m glad we’ve had access to an OB who is also a fertility specialist, as it has meant we have only dealt with 1 Doctor (other than my GP) through both pregnancies, miscarriages, and the whole process of finding out what caused them.

I like that we have been able to build that relationship and I know I can trust my OB to do everything he can to help us. Plus, I know he will always call or text immediately when it comes to passing on information about test results, or anything else that we would consider urgent from our point of view.

I suspect we probably wouldn’t have access to that level of service if we opted to go public (although, when you go private, you usually have to book your OB the second you find out you’re pregnant, before you even get the referral, to make sure you get the one you want!).

But in saying that, I know our situation is a fairly unique one, and I agree that the private system isn’t for everyone.

I think the public and private health systems have both positive aspects and unfortunately a few negative ones.

So, we’re keen to know… whether you’ve; already got kids, are planning to have a baby, already pregnant, or you’re onto your second, third, fourth, fifth… or so child, would you opt to have your baby as a public or a private patient?

Have you gone both public and private? Which did you think was better?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Before you go… make sure you sign up for exclusive access to our simple and effective strategies to help you stay ahead of the parenting game!

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