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A Good Scan and a False Alarm

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A False Alarm and a Good Scan

A month or so ago when I saw my OB he had been a little concerned because I’d been having spotting off and on again for quite a few weeks after my D&C.

He did a scan in his office that day and was fairly happy with how things were looking (couldn’t see any obvious signs of retained tissue) but asked me to go for a specialist scan anyway, just to be completely sure.

As mentioned in my last post, I agreed to that scan and then finally was able to go for it towards the end of November. I wasn’t really in any great rush for it and had found the spotting had slowed down in between anyway.

Just as a side note – I always have difficulty with wounds healing (for other non-pregnancy related surgeries) and have found in the past taking a course of zinc seems to help. It was a suggestion a surgeon gave to me a while back and I’ve done this a few times in the past. Anyway, the spotting cleared up a few days after I started taking the zinc, and it might be a coincidence or it might be that the zinc is helpful but anyway, just sharing the info in case anyone else out there is in the same boat and finds it helpful (also, I’m not a Doctor, so of course, check with your Doctor before taking anything you hear about from a random blogger online!)

So, back to the scan. The scan itself was pretty straight forward and the technician was able to tell me pretty quickly that everything looked fine and there were no signs of retained tissue.

He actually went on to say that everything looked picture perfect and that there is no reason (that he could see) why a pregnancy wouldn’t work out.

Of course, it’s nice to know that everything “looks fine” but it still doesn’t explain why you would miscarry what was apparently a perfectly healthy baby (and as I mentioned before, there probably was some other problem that we just don’t know about nor have the ability to test for at this point in time).

I had been really conscious of limiting my alcohol intake, especially around this time of year with all the Christmas functions and so on, PLUS because we had so many events on, I was taking a ton of pregnancy tests “just in case” whenever I had planned to head out for a few drinks (and when I say “a few drinks” – I mean 3! LOL!)

So anyway, another I had 3 functions, 3 days in a row so I was testing every day, and on the third day, I saw what was almost-kind-of a second pregnancy-indicator line but wasn’t fully convinced it was a positive test.

I grappled with it on my own for a while, and then went and recruited my Mum and Aunty and made them squint at this test too (geez I’m lucky to have an understanding bunch of people around me!) and they too after holding it in the right light and on the right angle could see the second line too (thank goodness, because I was starting to wonder if I was going crazy).

So I sort of spent the day wondering if the test was accurate or not, and just deciding that I would just have to suck it up and wait and see for a few more days.

I took two more tests over the next two days which were kind-of-similar. No obvious line but kind of a smidgen of maybe there was something there but maybe not?

And then on the third day I finally made my mind up when my cycle started anyway and I just stopped taking tests… so this time around, it was either a false reading on the test or a little embryo that was maybe there for a day and then didn’t stick around.

I really have no way of knowing so I’ll just have to wait and see what happens next time.

It did get me thinking that this has possibly happened before, but I wouldn’t usually be taking so many tests because I wouldn’t normally be nervous about so many events that have drinking involved, so normally I wouldn’t even know about it!

Looking forward to properly enjoying the silly season now and then winding back down to normal again 😉

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

Until next time…

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